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At Ashmount School, Science is delivered through all key stages of the National Curriculum before following ASDAN accreditation course work in the Upper school that is externally validated.

The Reception class follows the Early Years Foundation Stage that recognizes the environment, and supports and extends children’s learning and development.

The basis for teaching and learning Science is based on the QCA scheme of work at Key Stages 1,2,3.

In Science we intend to promote pupil learning in the following ways. Pupils will:

·        Gain knowledge and understanding of the subject, developing basic concepts and become successful learners.

·        Gather information and learn how to use it.

·        Observe, use their senses to explore and interpret their findings.

·        Develop an understanding of cause and effect.

·        Develop knowledge, understanding and communicate ideas.

·        Explore values and attitudes through science placing emphasis on development for life and work.

The aim of teaching Science is through challenging and motivating lessons. The presentation of Science is practical and reinforced with “concrete” activities, the investigation of objects and situations of everyday life and the practical understanding of cause and effect.

The wider needs of students in terms of independent living skills, quality of life and a range of experiences are all taken into account. Students engage in meaningful activities and experiences appropriate to their needs.

Teachers and students use the school environment and local neighbourhood as well as organized visits to venues connected to the school. Appropriate links with other schools are forged extending the opportunity to develop interaction and communication within the group, promoting co-operation and acknowledging contribution from others.


Science is valued as a subject not just for finding things out but also learning how to find out. It encourages questions, uses practical methods and allows students to achieve answers by discovery.

Science develops curiosity, and promotes motivation, team work and communication skills. Science is FUN!
