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Useful contacts

Useful telephone Numbers


Ashmount School 01509 268506

Children and Young Peoples Services (Leicestershire County Council) 0116 232 3232 


Children and Young Peoples Services (Leicester City Council) 0116 254 9922

Children and Young Peoples Services (Rutland County Council) 01572 722577 

Special Transport Section:

(County)0116 305 8119
(City) 0116 252 8560

Speech Therapy Department 0116 295 4670 
Physiotherapy Department 01509 564430 
Occupational Therapy Department 01509 564439 
School Medical Officer 0116 255 2525

Social Services: 
Loughborough 01509 266641
South Charnwood 0116 230 2395
North West Leicestershire 01530 275200

Link Family Scheme 01530 275200 
School Dental Clinic (Loughborough) 01509 564417

