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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

Who is the main contact for information? 

  • Please contact Nicky Drew, Programme Manager -  nickydrew@ashmount.leics.sch.uk or 01509 632910

 Are my qualifications adequate?

  • You should have at least a 2.2 degree (or anticipate being awarded a degree before the start of the programme).
  • Significant experience in primary or early years settings.
  • Priority is given to high quality applicants.
  • You must have GSCE (or equivalent) at grade C, or above, in maths, English and a science subject and evidence of good overall educational attainment. 
  • You must have skills test passes in English and maths.

Can I have an initial application form?
You should apply online via the UCAS system.

Do I have to find a school to train in?
No, we arrange placements in our Partnership schools, most of which are in Leicestershire.
What are the characteristics of people admitted to the programme?

  • Some experience of working in schools or with young people in a paid or voluntary capacity.
  • Self-motivated, pro-active and well-organised with an understanding of the demands of the teaching profession.
  • People who can bring experiences from a variety of backgrounds.

When does the programme start?
All programmes last for one academic year, beginning in August.    
When, and how, can I apply?
The centralised application system is now open for the 2015-2016 intake www.ucas.com. Typically the programme is oversubscribed but we will interview late applicants if there are any unfilled vacancies after the initial interview process.

What financial support will I get and are fees payable?
The School Direct programme will be unsalaried.  DfE bursaries currently identified as £4,000 and £9,000 for 2:1 and 1st class honours degrees respectively will be available for successful applicants.  Applicants should be aware that the programme attracts a £9,000 fee for which student loans are available. 

Where does the training take place?
The training is divided between trainees’ placement schools, Loughborough and The University of Derby’s Kedleston Road campus. Trainees must be able to travel to the weekly courses and to their training schools. The programme is hard work and challenging but also very rewarding. Trainees frequently comment on how much they learn in a comparatively short time. The programme is excellent preparation for the ‘real world’ of teaching.

Who makes up Ashmount and Encompass Alliance?
The Partnership is led by Ashmount School and consists of schools in Leicestershire, the majority of which, but not all, are in the Loughborough area.  The University of Derby is the alliance’s HE partner.

What qualification will I receive?
You will be recommended for the professional award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS) and on successful completion of the programme will be awarded The University of Derby Postgraduate Certificate in Education and 60 Master’s level credits.

If I don't fit the criteria or am unable to secure an Ashmount and Encompass Alliance School Direct place what can I do?    
You are allowed to make three applications through the School Direct scheme.  Other routes are offered by Universities (PGCE) and SCITTs.  All routes are required to give trainees significant exposure to schools and settings.

How challenging will the School Direct Programme be?
It is an exceptionally demanding programme as you are both working in a school whilst following a prescribed teacher training course. You should ensure that your own personal circumstances allow you to give the commitment and time that the programme demands. Also, for the whole of the second term, you will be placed in a second school which may involve additional travel; you should ensure that you are able to manage this travel commitment as well.
