The physical wellbeing of all students is considered to be extremely important at Ashmount School. Whether this takes the shape of physiotherapy programmes designed for individual pupils, participation in the Healthy Schools Initiative or regular involvement in high quality PE lessons throughout school right through to providing out of hours learning opportunities and after school clubs.
On the whole, students at Ashmount School have the opportunity to be involved in more than the recommended 2 hours per week of high quality PE. As well as weekly PE lessons, students swim, either in the school hydrotherapy pool or at off site local facilities such as our partner schools and at the local leisure centre. We also have a very strong link with the Riding for the Disabled Association, which helps us to provide horse riding lessons for Ashmount pupils throughout the year.
We are keen to provide the very best sporting opportunities for our students, sourcing expert coaches in a wide range of sporting and creative areas to work with. We have weekly dance workshops and clubs, football coaches from Leicester City Football Club working with some of our older students, continuous input from our school sports coordinator along with input from local club coaches in tennis, for example.
Ashmount School has been awarded Active Mark status. Students at Ashmount School participate in regular sporting events and competitions against similar schools in the Leicester City, Leicestershire and Rutland region.
We are keen to take advantage of as many local facilities as possible, using the sports halls and pools of the local high school and community college, the facilities at Charnwood leisure centre and the Outdoor and Adventurous opportunities offered by Beaumanor and Quorn Halls. At Ashmount School we value and exploit the wealth of opportunities that are presented by accessing the country parks and woodland areas that are on our doorstep.
Our PE department is well resourced, enabling us to provide an extremely wide range of sporting opportunities for our pupils, from the familiar net, wall, target and invasion games, dance, athletics and gymnastics to those less common ones such as golf, new age kurling, boccia, circus skills, etc. We also follow the ‘Elements’ PE programme which aims to provide high quality and challenging PE experiences to our pupils who present the most complex physical and educational needs.
PE and sporting activity is recognised by the teaching staff at Ashmount School as an ideal medium for the delivery of other cross curricular subjects. It is enjoyable and motivating for many students. Students and staff are encouraged to adopt healthy lifestyle choices and have chances to participate in activities that will encourage a lifelong involvement in sport and physical activity.
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