Home Page


Welcome to Class 1!


We would like to wish you a very warm and friendly welcome to our class page!

My name is Hollie Smith and I’m the class teacher in the Class 1.  


Home Learning

In Class 1 we follow the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum which consists of three prime areas and four specific areas of development. The three prime areas are particularly crucial, igniting children’s curiosity and enthusiasm for learning. The prime and specific areas demonstrate the developmental progress of a child from birth to five years.

The Prime Areas of Learning

Communication and language

Physical Development

Personal, social and emotional development

Specific Areas of Learning



Understanding the World

Expressive Arts and Design

Our year is built up of six fun topics or themes which aim to engage and excite the children in their learning. We are very much led by the children and incorporate their ideas and interests in everything we do. To see our Long Term Plan please click the link below.

In our class, we provide the children with exciting and meaningful learning opportunities, inside and outside which aim to suit the individual needs of each child. We differentiate our activities to ensure that every child receives an equal opportunity to progress and reach their full potential.

These learning opportunities are led through a mixture of guided activities and child initiated play. Our continuous provision map allows the children access to a wide variety of areas such as mark making, block and small world, role-play, investigation, reading and puppets, maths, transient art, music, water, wind and movement, outdoor games and physical development. Each child is valued as an individual, and the guided activities they receive will depend on their special needs. 

We have weekly access to the swimming pool, soft play room and multi-sensory room. Sessions such as Eye Gaze, Tac Pac, Music Therapy and Lego Therapy are also part of our special provision.



