Notice is hereby given in accordance with the Education and Inspections Act 2006 and The School Organisation (Prescribed Alternations)(England) Regulations 2018 that Leicestershire County Council proposes to increase the Profound and Multiple Learning Disabilties capacity of Ashmount School by 12 places.
Leicestershire County Council, School Organisation Service, Children and Family Services, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8RF Tel: 0116 3056305 Email: Steve.lee@leics.gov.uk |
Ashmount School, Thorpe Hill, Loughborough, Leicestershire LE11 4SQ. (DFE No 3047) A Community School. |
A new build extension to create profound and multiple learning disabilities space within the school to increase the capacity by an extra 12 places. It is proposed that this will have effect for admissions which are due to start on or after Tuesday, 27th August 2019.
The increase in numbers will be accommodated by building an extension within the school.
Locally, and nationally, demand for SEND places has risen and forecasts for the next 5 years indicate demand will rise by up to 22%
Leicestershire County Council proposes to increase the permanent capacity of Ashmount School to meet the demand for school places in the area, both at the current time and in the future.
The proposals will allow the school to provide additional places to cope with the increasing demand arising from the increasing birth rate and number of new housing developments along with increased demand for SEND places within the local area.
The project fulfils Leicestershire County Council’s statutory obligation of providing sufficient school places and to try to ensure pupils are able to attend their local school. The changes will also assist schools in improving educational standards by preventing excessive class sizes and will also ensure parental choice is maintained through the provision of the additional places. |
It is not anticipated that there will be any effect on other schools, academies and educational establishments within the area. |
The project to increase the capacity at Ashmount School will cost £250 thousand. The project is funded from Basic Need Capital Programme for 2018/19 and S106 developer contributions. Long term value for money will be achieved by ensuring value for money building and that the work done will be built to appropriate building and DfE requirements to ensure it can be used long term. |
It is proposed that the school will increase its SEND capacity by 12 places with effect from Tuesday, 27th August 2019.
The new school accommodation completed by the Autumn Term 2019 to enable the school to increase the number of available places for the 2019/20 school year.
Within four weeks from the date of publication of this proposal, any interested party may support, object to, or make comment upon the proposal by sending them to School Organisation Service, Children and Family Services, County Hall, Glenfield, Leicester LE3 8RF or by email to Steve.lee@leics.gov.uk
The closing date for comments and objections is Thursday 2nd May 2019
Signed: Lauren Haslam Date: 4th April 2019
Director of Law and Governance
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