Up for Awards
Following on from the successes of our recent second Outstanding Ofsted inspection and designation as a National Teaching School we have reached the finals in three awards.
1. We are in the top three finalists in our category for the National Pupil Premium Awards. These are run by The Department for Education. On Wednesday 25th June we will go down to a ceremony at the Corinthia Hotel in London to see if we have won.
2. We have also been nominated and reached the last three in the Leicester Mercury 2014 School Awards. In the evening of June 26th we will attend the ceremony to see where we come in the categories of School of The Year and Head Teacher of the Year.
All of this recognition is down to the hard work of all of our staff and governors and the support of parents and carers -as well as our lovely children!
More news will follow
P.S. We have also been entered for the regional part of the Local Authority Building Construction awards 2014. This is for the school building. We will hear if we go forward tot he national awards after July 4th.