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Open Events

School Direct Leaflet

Recruitment Events

Please contact Nicky Drew for details of the next recruitment event nickydrew@ashmount.leics.sch.uk 


School Direct Information Flyer

More detailed information is provided in the below information flyer:
School Direct Flyer.


Feedback from our last Open Event on 30th September 2014


'I thoroughly enjoyed the open evening on Tuesday and wanted to say thank you for all the advice you gave.  It has made me very excited for ITT.  

Thank you for your time Nicky,

Ally Lawes'


'Hi, Nicky  

I was so glad that I attended the open event, it has made me even more enthusiastic and excited about my initial teacher training. The event that was held was so helpful in understanding how school directs works. Claire (ex trainee & NQT) was also very useful as I was able to ask her questions about the course and why she chose that route into teaching.

I would also like to say thank you for sending me useful information via email, which will be helpful for when I apply through UCAS. I am also attending the ‘teach train’ in Birmingham, so I am hoping that it will be just as useful and exciting as the open event that you held.


Many Thanks, 

Josie Willbond'

